el Presidente

The cricket season is almost to a close, with the pending Senior Presentations in two days. It’s been a challenging season, to say the least, with far too much micromanagement of people who can’t make decisions on their own, those who don’t want to take on any tasks. With lots of those who are happy to give their own opinion but not roll their arms up and get things done.

Hopefully, the winter period will be time for me to get a lot of stuff done on my list to get things organised for the next and it’ll run a bit smoother.

I feel like there were a lot of underlying tasks that were never done by some of the previous committees, and nothing written down for newcomers. Nearly everything I’ve had to deal with this season was decisions made by the previous committee but not enough thought or planning put in, and I’ve had to manage and patch things along the way, without doing anything that I thought would help the club succeed to where it wants to be. So anything I thought would help the club, has not had any time to be thought about or started.

I guess we’ll see how the winter period goes and what happens leading up to it.

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